I am a retired Marine Gunnery Sgt. I traveled many places both abroad and stateside thanks to my military career. I met my wife Monica in 2010 at a CIAA weekend event in Charlette, NC. Monica is a 9 yr United States Air Force Veteran. After leaving the military she worked for the United States Postal Service for 22 yrs and is now a Realtor. Thanks to Intleltravel we are both  travel advisors. We both love to travel before becoming advisors so when we were introduced to Inteletravel, we knew it was for us. Together we have 3 beautiful daughter’s all of whom are successful in their own right. Our 2 grand children are the Joy in our lives. They are another reason why we joined this wonderful business. To be able to leave our children and grand-children not just a nest egg but a legacy. A legacy is something they can continue to level up and can go on for generations. That’s the big picture!

It’s never too late to live the life you always envisioned for yourself. Inteletravel allows us to travel everywhere and build wealth at the same time.
While we are seniors, we still like to have fun and live life to the fullest. Retirement income does not always allow you to be able to do the things you enjoyed while working full time jobs. So to realize in this stage in our lives we can cruise, fly, and stay in luxury resorts all year long is unbelievable. To live this lifestyle and get paid an unbelievable income that will ultimately lead to residual income is amazing! Who wouldn’t want this life? Off we go!
We see the vision with the help of our amazing sponsor and team members and we are so thankful for our friend who introduced us to this wonderful opportunity. Let’s go travel the world and get paid while doing it.


Lester and Monica Gentry
Inteletravel Advisors
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